Saturday, 14 November 2015

Battering is successful

Domestic violence against women is the most common cause of injury to women and it is happening in our society today, even as you read this. 80-90% of children living in violent homes are aware of the violence hence its attendant effect on their lives. Girls from domestic homes are 50% more likely to abuse their children than those who are not and they tend to marry men who abuse them. Women who are abused are also more likely to abuse their children. Women are dying, children are becoming emotionally twisted, hey even the batterers are crying out for help. So why is domestic violence against women still prevailing?

Wife beating is sanctioned by many traditional laws and religions; this makes it okay for men to go commando on their wives at the slightest provocation. The provocation isn’t always necessarily a result of happenings at home; it could be something that may have happened at work or while drinking with friends. I am not saying here that it is okay if it is as a result of something that happened at home. There is absolutely no reason on earth why a man should beat his wife no matter what she may have said or done. Sure, women can be a handful and an annoying specie of the human race, it is in our DNA. Yet, getting angry is a legit emotion which should be expressed but not by hitting another adult who happens to be your wife. Let's face it, she isn't the only person that annoys you still you do not go about hitting anyone who does.

System failure contributes to the success of violence against women, no one effectively intervenes, not friends, not the neighbours, not the police, not the church, not the courts, not the media, no one. You hear your neighbours’ wife screaming from the slaps and kicks; you turn up your radio to drown the noise. It is their privacy, you won’t intervene. Do you really believe that it does not affect you? Or that minding your business makes you the stand up guy and earns you the perfect neighbour award? This batterer neighbour of yours is grooming a future batterer who might end up getting married to your grand niece. Fat chance? Not really!

I think that intervening does not only help the victim but the batterer too. I mean, somewhere deep inside, he wishes he kept his promise to himself. A promise he made to never hit any woman in his life, especially not his wife. A promise he made to himself severally while watching his mother take abuse from his father. A promise he renews each time he gets remorseful for hitting his wife. He wishes someone would intervene. Somehow, I see him as a victim too; a victim of societal breakdown and poor role modeling.

The success rate of wife beating can be curbed if batterers stop getting away with it. We really can’t afford to let this keep prevailing, call the police, knock down that door and make a citizen’s arrest if you have to but don’t do NOTHING. The violence Against Persons (Prohibition) Act, 2015 shouldn’t be another policy for the shelves. It is aimed at prohibiting all forms of violence against persons both in private and public; I earnestly hope it doesn’t fall short of its aim.

Let us all join hands in this fight to end wife battery, it is not a fight to be fought by a particular gender, or by survivors of violence, it is a fight to be fought by everyone, men and women. Every child deserve to grow in a violent free home.