Friday, 8 March 2019

I Am Woman: Balance for Better

I am woman.
I have had highs and lows, thorns and roses. I have cried and laughed, mostly laughed. I have danced and mourned.
I have strength and yet I get weak a lot.
I've been hated on, but I have mostly been loved.
I have made friends and I have lost some.
I am woman:
Assertive, resilient, adaptive and human, always human.
I have had it easy because I am woman, and I have had to work twice as hard to get just half as far as my male colleagues.
I have fallen, more times than I can count, but I rise, I always rise and push on. I am woman.
I am intelligent, smart, and stupid. The stupid get lesser and lesser as I learn and grow.
I am beautiful, inside and out. I have been called stubborn and kind, talkative and blunt, all of which I will not apologize for.
I have been married and divorced. I have had and lost and found again.
I am woman, I grow and glow.
I can be intimidating and sometimes cowardly.
I have fears, some I hide too well even I don't see them anymore until they hurt me.
I have love, sometimes I'm afraid to give it, but this is an easy fear to conquer.
I have dreams, some may never happen, but I will never stop pushing as long as I have life.
I live! I do what makes me happy, hurting no one, lifting those I can.
I have scars, some you see, some you feel. Some are mine alone to see and feel.
I am woman. I nurture, I motivate, I support, I lend an ear or two to other humans, because just like me, we all get weak and we all need a little lift, a little smile, a little reassurance, a little warmth, to know we are not alone.
I am woman: It is my life's work to create balance for better.

Happy women's day to my fellow phenomenal women.

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