Friday, 7 February 2020

Broken Record

Before my friend became my first University boyfriend, he told me how he falls in love every day. I thought it was silly, love is not that fickle. That was twenty years ago.
I may have changed my mind because I have friends who may think me a broken record at the rate I fall in and out of love. Could love be fickle or am I just falling into nothingness disguised as love?
My great love two years ago was Monday, my friends couldn’t possibly hear the last of it, we went everywhere together, even when with my girls.
Last year it was Tuesday. He probably was a rebound and did not last as long as Wednesday. We did like same movies and laughed at same jokes, he really got me. He was easy.
Wednesday ended last month, he was always the life of the party, a charmer. Every girl wanted to be me, the relationship was a trophy.
Today, my friends are not so excited to hear about Thursday because I am a broken record who will fall in love with Friday tomorrow.


  1. And if Friday doesn't work out, well, there'll always be a Saturday and a Sunday. And by the way, you are not broken, cos I just heard your record and it was of a sound mind.

    1. Indeed there will. Plus we always have a fresh start Monday if all fails.

      Many Thanks. :)

  2. And isnt that what makes life worth living? Tomorrow it is called!! It revolves with package of new things, new love, new Monday, new Tuesday, new Wednesday loaded with opportunities. Look forward.....the best is yet to come!!

    1. Thank you so much sweets. You have said it all.
